Dr. Alexander Shcherbakov 2016-2021
Postdoctoral Fellow, Amgen, Thousand Oaks, CA
Dr. Martin D. Gelenter 2015-2021
Postdoctoral Associate, Dr. Adriaan Bax Group, NIDDK, NIH, Bethesda, MD
Dr. Venkata S. Mandala 2015-2020
Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr. Roderick MacKinnon Group, The Rockefeller University, NYC, NY
Dr. Pyae Phyo 2015-2020
Senior Scientist, Merck
Dr. Matthew R. Elkins 2014-2020
TD Etch Module Engineer, Intel, Hillsboro, OR ([email protected])
Dr. Byungsu Kwon 2011-2020
Director of NMR Services, Tricliniclabs, Inc., West Lafayette, IN ([email protected])
Chloe Morgan 2017-2019
MD Student at Tufts University School of Medicine, Cambridge, MA
Dr. Myungwoon Lee 2012-2019
Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr. Robert Tycko Group, NIDDK, NIH, Bethesda, MD ([email protected])
Dr. Jonathan K. Williams 2011-2017
Postdoctoral Associate, Dr. Jean Baum Group, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ ([email protected])
Dr. Shu-Yu (Aaron) Liao 2010-2017
Scientist I, Biotherapeutic and Medicinal Science, Biogen, Cambridge, MA ([email protected])
Dr. Tuo Wang 2010-2017
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Louisiana State University [email protected]
Dr. Yuan Zhang 2006-2011
DEQI Intellectual Property Law Corporation, Beijing, China
Dr. Yongchao Su 2006-2011
Principal Scientist, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ ([email protected])
Adjunct Associate Professor, Molecular Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery Department, College of Pharmacy, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX ([email protected])
Dr. Sarah Cady 2004-2009
Manager of the Chemical Instrumentation Facility, Iowa State University, Ames, IA ([email protected])
Dr. Wenbin Luo 2003-2009
NMR manager, Department of Chemistry, Penn State University, PA
Dr. Tim Doherty 2004-2009
Professor, Minnesota State College Southeast Technical, Winona, MN
Dr. Ming Tang 2003-2008
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, College of Staten Island – CUNY
Dr. Rajeswari Mani 2002-2007
Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine, Rutgers University
Dr. Xiaolan Yao 1999-2004
Associate Professor, School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, University of Missouri Kansas City, Kansas City, MO ([email protected])
Dr. Nhi Tran, 2020-2021
Engineer at Intel Corporation, Hillsboro, OR
Dr. Matthias Roos, 2017-2019
McKinsey, Berlin, Germany
Dr. Chandan Singh 2016-2017
Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India ([email protected])
Dr. Hongwei Yao 2012-2016
Professor, Soochow University
Dr. Yu Yang 2012-2015
Associate Professor, Department of Electronic Science, Xiamen University, China
Dr. Paul White 2013-2015
NMR staff scientist, Radboud University, Netherlands
Dr. Daniel Tietze 2012-2013
Junior research group leader, Eduard-Zintl-Institute of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, Technical University Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany
Dr. Shenhui Li 2009-2010
Associate Professor, Wuhan Institute of Physics & Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Science, Wuhan, China
Dr. Daniel Huster 1999-2001
Professor, Director, Institut für Medizinische Physik und Biophysik, University of Leipzig, Germany
Dr. Satoru Yamaguchi 1999-2001
Okayama University of Science, Japan
Dr. Jarrod J. Buffy 2001-2003
Therma-Tru, Toledo, Ohio
Dr. Neeraj Sinha 2003-2004
Professor, Center of Biomedical Research (CBMR), Lucknow, India
Dr. Sungsool Wi 2003-2004
Associate Scientist, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, FL
Dr. Xiaodong Wu 2004-2005
Department of Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China
Dr. Ken-Ichi Hatano 2003-2004
Professor, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Gunma University, Japan
Dr. Asoka Marasinghe 2002-2003
Professor, Department of Chemistry, Minnesota State University, Moorhead, MN
Harrison Wang 2019-2021
Graduate Student, Biophysics, Harvard University, Boston, MA
Titash Biswas 2019
Undergraduate Student, MIT Biology, Boston, MA
Mikaila Hoffman 2018
Graduate Student, Chemistry, MIT Chemistry, Schlau-Cohen Group, Boston, MA
Gadam Myratgeldiyev 2017
Laboratory Technician, Aramco Services Company, Houston, TX.